Goodbye 2013 Hello 2014 Patchwork Streamlined!

It's the time of year when my mind turns to making changes.  Sooo with this in mind I have decided my key word  for 2014 is going to be STREAMLINE!  I need to streamline me to the tune of about 2.5 stone, that is not going to be started until the new year is not so new..... However streamlining my time is going to start straight away.  Social media is the big one I can lose myself for hours looking at Facebook, Twitter and Pintrest.  Blogger is under control, I look regularly at the ones on this page and move on.  So I have decided to have a set time to look at and write on social media each day, I will use the time functions which I have yet to figure out on Twitter but have nailed it on Blogger and Facebook.  I am hoping that by sorting out my time my City and Guilds will be back on track and my bucket list will stop growing quite so quickly and I will actually get on and do some sewing! My plans for blogger are to start to do some tutorials and see how you all like them.  I am about to sit down and do a one page business plan for 2014 (got from the sewing directory to focus my mind on the business for this year and pin it next to the computer to remind me of my goals each and every day.  Now I know this is not going to be easy as I am a natural procrastinator which is one of the reasons I am writing this blog and boring you all with it, it is something for me to look back on and remind myself of.  Maybe you could remind me from time to time too?
Phew that was a bit heavy for me lets get on to some fun stuff, have you looked at the web site lately?  Well I have a clearance section here with designer fabrics for just £8 per meter, only a few at the moment will see how it goes.
And then just before Christmas we got in these fun yo yo makers they make the most darling little yo yos. More can be found here
Sewing wise not a lot has been done :(  however the group I go to are doing a row along.  The rules are simple we start with a row which we have made and a note book where we wright what we would like or not like we pass the row on and get someone elses do a row wright in the book why we have done the row that we have and pass it on, and so on we don't get to see our own finished quilt (well top) until about July!
This is the start of my first row.
This now has two more trees and I am thinking of adding a row of chubby chevrons.  I have followed Lori Holts instructions and have to say I love how it all works, check out her blog where you can also get her book, quite pricey to post to the UK but worth it.  I will put up picures when I have completed this first row but that may be the last you hear until July as my fellow row alongs may read my blog and see how their quilt looks!  We will see.  
I love to hear your comments and always respond (unless its spam!) What are your new years plans? Sew until next time have fun and Happy New Year.


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